The paper outlines the main features of Estonian translation poetics in the 20th century, examining the expression of the prevalent ideas guiding literary translation in writings about translation (mostly reviews and articles) in juxtaposition with examples from actual translations. The predominant ideal of translating verse and prose has been that of artistic translation, especially since the end of the 1920s. On the other hand, this general principle can be shown to have had somewhat differing emphases depending on the field of application as well as time period, ranging from the mostly form-oriented to mostly content-oriented translation
The translated text has a specific value in the new culture: it can be a translation of a literary t...
Teesid: Artiklis uuritakse Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumis asuvat mahukat, ligi 800 lk tõlkekäsikirja „Nore...
The article raises the issue of translating the works of national literatures through an intermediat...
The paper outlines the main features of Estonian translation poetics in the 20th century, examining ...
For decades, Estonian literary scholars have expressed the need for research in the field of our own...
Ülevaade. Artiklis võetakse vaatluse alla saksakeelse tõlkekirjanduse olu kord Eestis aastatel 1990...
Väitekirja elektroonilisest versioonist puuduvad väitekirja aluseks olevate artiklite täistekstidDok...
The tradition of translating ancient Greek and Roman authors into Estonian is short, beginning with ...
Forewords and Reviews: Some Notes on the Translators’ Presence in Estonian Translational Spac
Impelled by a desire to free themselves from the German influence that had dominated the development...
Translation history is a part of cultural history and a necessary component of any literary history,...
The aim of this article is to provide an overview of translations of English literature into Estonia...
Teesid: Artikkel käsitleb tõlkeprotsessi ilukirjandusliku teksti tõlkimisel, kus keeleline ja sotsia...
In addition to many other functions, translating may (and often does) also have a national agenda. S...
This article positions the translations of French verse works (plays and selected collections of ind...
The translated text has a specific value in the new culture: it can be a translation of a literary t...
Teesid: Artiklis uuritakse Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumis asuvat mahukat, ligi 800 lk tõlkekäsikirja „Nore...
The article raises the issue of translating the works of national literatures through an intermediat...
The paper outlines the main features of Estonian translation poetics in the 20th century, examining ...
For decades, Estonian literary scholars have expressed the need for research in the field of our own...
Ülevaade. Artiklis võetakse vaatluse alla saksakeelse tõlkekirjanduse olu kord Eestis aastatel 1990...
Väitekirja elektroonilisest versioonist puuduvad väitekirja aluseks olevate artiklite täistekstidDok...
The tradition of translating ancient Greek and Roman authors into Estonian is short, beginning with ...
Forewords and Reviews: Some Notes on the Translators’ Presence in Estonian Translational Spac
Impelled by a desire to free themselves from the German influence that had dominated the development...
Translation history is a part of cultural history and a necessary component of any literary history,...
The aim of this article is to provide an overview of translations of English literature into Estonia...
Teesid: Artikkel käsitleb tõlkeprotsessi ilukirjandusliku teksti tõlkimisel, kus keeleline ja sotsia...
In addition to many other functions, translating may (and often does) also have a national agenda. S...
This article positions the translations of French verse works (plays and selected collections of ind...
The translated text has a specific value in the new culture: it can be a translation of a literary t...
Teesid: Artiklis uuritakse Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumis asuvat mahukat, ligi 800 lk tõlkekäsikirja „Nore...
The article raises the issue of translating the works of national literatures through an intermediat...